Crush your debt.
Build your future.
Join the revolutionary RAPID FIRE DEBT ELIMINATION Workshop.
January 25, 2025 | San Marcos, CA
the Rapid fire debt ELIMINATION System
January 25, 2025 | San Marcos, CA
What you’ll learn in this Jam-packed, 5 hour workshop
What is money? The answer may surprise you.
How money flows and who receives it
Maximizing your ability to attract money
Minimizing your ability to repel money
Understanding the true cost of debt
Create an efficient money flow system guaranteed to grow the money in your life
Money habits of poor people vs money habits of rich people
Destroying old money beliefs
Installing new productive money beliefs
Setting effective money goals
Get out of debt as fast as possible
…And so much more we can’t list it all!
Meet Dr. Dette
Hello, my name is Dr. Kevin Dette. I am a full time practicing Chiropractor for the past 24 years. I grew up in a middle-class, hard-working family that always provided what I needed as a child. What I didn’t have was parents who taught me financial literacy. Instead, I was taught that if you work hard, eventually everything would be alright. I was taught that if I wanted something, I should work hard and save up for it. Then, when I had the money saved, I could spend it on what I wanted. Inadvertently, I was taught to work hard and spend everything I earned. Of course, without any financial discipline, that turned into using credit to spend more than I earned.
By the time I graduated from graduate school in 2001, I was in debt over $100,000. I then used even more credit to start up my private practice while living on credit cards. Over the following 10 years, I grew that debt load up to $750,000! At this point, I was unable to pay my bills and manage the debt load. It looked like bankruptcy was inevitable.
It got to the point that I couldn’t answer the phone because creditors were calling daily. I was embarrassed, full of shame, regret, fear and unending stress. I finally said enough is enough and I became a student of getting debt free.
It was around this time that I met my coach and mentor who helped guide me. He showed me a clear path to financial freedom, and he showed me that financial freedom was assured IF, and only IF, I implemented a solid, efficient and workable plan.
I implemented the plan I learned, I made some changes to speed up the process and in less than 10 years the $750,000 in debt was completely gone and my net worth grew to multiple millions.
I call this plan the Rapid Fire Debt Reduction Plan. It is unlike any other plan taught, and if you implement it, you will get out of debt faster than you can imagine.
There are few things more satisfying than sending in that final debt payment. The day you become debt free can be one of the happiest days of your life. Just imagine all those debt payments and compounding interest payments now getting deposited into YOUR bank account to grow! This is an amazing feeling!
Implement the Rapid Fire Debt Reduction system and your financial future will be secured. If it worked for me, it will work for you too.
Join me in getting debt free, the battle is worth it.
Lock in the best price!
January 25, 2025 | San Marcos, CA
🔥🔥🔥 HOT DEAL! 🔥🔥🔥
Available November 9-10, 2024
Through the January 22!
The price goes up January 23, 2025
At the door
On the day of the event